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Micah Caldwell

Hi there! I’m Micah Caldwell, and I’m running to be your First Ward Alderman here in Berwyn. My wife, daughter, and I love this city, and I want to make it an even better place to live.


I’m a mental health therapist and small business owner, and I’ve spent my career helping people navigate tough challenges. After moving to Berwyn, I saw ways our community could be safer, more connected, and more welcoming, so I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I lead Bike Walk Berwyn, a community group that advocates for safer streets and better transportation options. I’ve spoken up at City Council meetings, pushed for infrastructure improvements, and worked to get more people involved in local issues.


At home, I’ve faced the same frustrations many residents in Berwyn deal with, like flooding, a frustrating permit processes, speeding cars in our neighborhoods, and rising taxes. As a parent, I want my daughter to grow up in a place where families feel safe, businesses thrive, and neighbors have a real voice in local decisions. But too often, City Hall feels out of touch with the everyday concerns of the people who live here.


Berwyn deserves leadership that listens, problem-solves, and puts residents first. And that’s exactly the kind of Alderman I’ll be.

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What Drives Me

I Want To Keep Residents in the Loop: It’s frustrating when decisions from City Hall seem to come out of nowhere, or when you speak up but feel like you’re talking to a wall. That often happens when your Alderman simply rubber-stamps the mayor’s agenda instead of listening to residents. Berwyn deserves an independent voice on the City Council. Someone who truly listens and works for your best interests. I’ll always put you first. As a mental health therapist, I’ve learned the value of clear, honest communication. I’ll send regular bilingual updates, hold neighborhood meetings, and make it easy for you to share your thoughts online. I’m committed to making sure your voice is heard and respected.

I Want To Stop Wasting Tax Dollars: One question I hear a lot in Berwyn is, “Why are our taxes so high?” Like many of you, I ask the same question when I see my own tax bill. If we’re paying a lot in taxes, we should get a lot in return. To make that happen, I’ll push for an independent performance audit of how our tax dollars are spent, identify waste, and reinvest savings into programs that benefit our community. I’ll advocate for a transparent budget process and participatory budgeting, so you have a voice in how your taxes are used. I’ll also push to hire a dedicated grant writer so that we can secure state and federal grants to bring in resources without raising taxes.

I Want To Bring Better Businesses to Berwyn: Berwyn’s economy has potential, but we’re seeing too many video gambling parlors taking over prime retail spaces or gambling machines infiltrate our favorite establishments, especially in the Depot District. This hurts our local economy by preventing diverse, locally-owned businesses from thriving. We need to limit new gambling permits, prevent clustering, and promote businesses that will make Berwyn a place where everyone wants to spend time. As a small business owner, I’ll work to revitalize areas like the Depot District and Ogden, create walkable streets, and eliminate outdated, stifling "minimum parking" regulations to attract businesses that create long-term, sustainable growth for our community.

Additional Questionnaires


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