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Brian Brock

My husband and I have been residents of Berwyn for more than 12 years and have loved getting to know so many people in our diverse town. I was born and raised in Holland, Michigan by a single mom. There my mom taught me to work hard, help others, and grab a seat at the table where decisions are made. As I grew up, I gained an appreciation for historic preservation initiatives implemented in Holland that not only made my hometown more appealing to walk in but also stimulated economic activity of local businesses. It is now a model for many main streets throughout the country.


Fast forward to to 2012 when a Chicago friend's Facebook post about Autre Monde opening in Berwyn drew our attention. Shortly after, we were looking at real estate listings and closed on our current home in December 2012. We were drawn to Berwyn directly from a small town in Michigan, because we fell in love the Chicago-style bungalow homes and the diversity of the community. In 2017 I ran for Berwyn Park District commissioner and currently serve as president of the board.

What Drives Me

Wherever I have lived or worked, I’ve always wanted to leave the place better than I arrived. We certainly do that with our home by making improvements to the house and gardens that will be benefit future owners someday. Similarly, as my term for park district commissioner comes to an end in May, I leave it better than when I joined eight years ago and we still have work to do. I will also seek to make the city a better place as alderman and here’s how I hope to achieve that.


  • Push to roll-back the aldermanic pay increases of 275% passed by Alderman Leja and others

  • Reduce waste and redundancy across city, like consolidating park districts as one example

  • Economic development through preservation and beautification to attract business and new residents

Efficiency and Modernization

  • Make services easier to access with an upgraded on-line system, from building permits to tree trimming

  • Invest in climate-resilient projects to reduce flooding, such as by planting more trees and native plants


Crime and Safety

  • Advocate for safety and support of police and fire staff, along with accountability

  • Ensure any investments result in lower crime and greater safety for officers and residents

Additional Questionnaires


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